true love is eternal and believable
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.
God gave his Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Perhaps considered one of the most well known parts of the Bible, John 3:16 is a reference you can see written across the world, in any context. The two ideas here is that eternal life, which by definition we might call true life, is costly. True life is precious. True life is in fact holy! The word holy means to be separated, sacred; it means to be dedicated to God. True life is something we can know and have not because of anything we have done, but because of what we receive, when we believe.
Eternal life was given to us, that is Jesus was given to us. In becoming like us, the life of Jesus became ours in His death, and now our life can become His in life, the resurrection life of Jesus. In order to receive what was given by God, the question we all must consider is what do we believe? Does our eternal life depend on us, or does it depend on what Jesus has said and done? Does eternal life even matter? Does this life matter - yes - we know this life matters because we all know love.
Even if you do not believe, the idea of John 3:16 strikes deep within our hearts and minds - the idea of a parent giving their life for their children is something that we all understand as love, we accept this innately. Maybe in the same way, something of our human nature also recognises the giving of eternal life in Jesus - maybe we too know innately, that whenever we hear the name of Jesus, it does something to us, for we all believe something.
The question is can we believe in Jesus who was given for our eternal life? Our true life? You might say our life right now, our past, our future and our present!
Is the love of God something of an eternal nature, and is Jesus believable?
John 3:16